Welcome to Haiku Canada

Haiku Canada Review

Haiku Canada Review contains haiku, letters, articles and book reviews, as well as information on events, contests and other societies. Submissions for the review are open to members and non-members. Announcements and information on publications are welcome. The two yearly issues of the Haiku Canada Review appear in October and February.
The in-hand deadline for the October issue is August 31. For the February issue, the in-hand deadline is December 31.

All work submitted to Haiku Canada Review must be author's original work. Responsibility for ownership and originality lies with the contributor. Submission constitutes permission to publish. Work accepted may also be used on the Haiku Canada web site or on social media such as Twitter or Facebook and submission to Haiku Canada Review is taken as acceptance of this condition. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of other members or membership as a whole.

If submitting by postal mail, include return envelope.

Submissions in English should be sent to Mike Montreuil at the postal address: Publications Editor, 1409 Bortolotti Crescent, Ottawa, ON, K1B 5C1, Canada, or the email address publications@haikucanada.org

Book Reviews: Poets, publishers, and potential reviewers, please contact Maxianne Berger, book review editor at reviews@haikucanada.org

Submissions in French
– haiku, according to theme indicated, Claude Rodrigue: haikufrancais@haikucanada.org
– other Japanese forms, Mike Montreuil: publications@haikucanada.org

Submission rules for haiku in French in Haiku Canada Review
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To order Haiku Canada Review single issue contact: publications@haikucanada.org
Please note the issue number you wish to purchase.