Welcome to Haiku Canada

Haiku Canada Executive

Executive Members    
President Angela Leuck     president@haikucanada.org
Vice President Claude Rodrigue vicepresident@haikucanada.org
Treasurer Agnes Jackle,
in memory of Ruby Spriggs
in memory of Ruby Spriggs
Secretary Jessica Allyson secretary@haikucanada.org
Membership Secretary Sally Kuon membership@haikucanada.org
Publications Editor Mike Montreuil publications@haikucanada.org
E-News Coordinator Carole Daoust newsletter@haikucanada.org
Webmaster Luminita Suse webmaster@haikucanada.org
Archivist Vicki McCullough archives@haikucanada.org

Regional Coordinators
BC and Territories Sandra St-Laurent bc-territories@haikucanada.org
Central provinces Joanne Morcom prairie@haikucanada.org
Ontario Hans Dringenberg ontario@haikucanada.org
Québec Carolynn Rafman quebec@haikucanada.org
Atlantic provinces, NB Carole Martignacco nb@haikucanada.org
Atlantic provinces, PE Nancy Richards pe@haikucanada.org
Atlantic provinces, NS Blanca Baquero ns@haikucanada.org
Atlantic provinces, NL   office@haikucanada.org

Honorary Archivist

Dorothy Howard

for her many years
of dedicated service