Join or Renew Membership in Haiku Canada
Haiku Canada is open to all haiku poets and enthusiasts.
Institutions cannot become members, only individuals are members.
Librarians and teachers can become individual members and put the HC Review in their institutions.
Use the form below for joining Haiku Canada or renewing your membership
Haiku Canada – Join/Renew form • PDF
Haiku Canada – formulaire d'adhésion / renouvellement • PDF
Regular – Canada ($40 CDN)
Regular – Outside of Canada ($45 US)
Student – Canada ($25 CDN)
Student – Outside of Canada ($25 US)
Payment methods
(1) cheque drawn on a Canadian or US financial institution, Money Order
or Bank Draft (CDN or US$) payable to Haiku Canada
(2) interac e-transfer to from an account
with a Canadian financial institution registered for Autodeposit
At present, we are experiencing problems with PayPal and cannot offer
this membership payment option. Other payment options will be explored
in the near future.
If you are paying your membership dues by e-transfer, please scan and email
your application form to
If you are paying your membership dues by cheque, please send your payment
(payable to 'Haiku Canada') along with the application form to the address below.
If there are changes to your information during the year, please send
a new application form with your changes, only, to the address below:
Sally Quon
#43, 3745 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, BC
V1W 3K4
For additional information please contact us at