Haiku Canada 35th Anniversary, Glendon College, Toronto, ON
Friday May 18, 2012
4:00-7:00pm |
Registration in foyer on ground floor of Hilliard Residence
Dinner menu available in open cafeteria, sandwiches and coffee in Manor Hall Ball
Room which will be our main meeting room
Setting up of book table and 'Silent Auction Items' Table in adjacent room that leads
off in stone steps to a patio
Exhibtion of Grant Savage's photos here
Anonymous haiku workshop submissions drop-off during this eveningand during the renku |
7:00-8:30pm |
Assemblage and Reading/sounding out of The 6th Holographic
Anthology commemorating our 35th Anniversary -
led by Marco Fraticelli and Marshall Hryciuk |
9:00pm |
Renku Party 9 pm - til 36 links are completed
Marshall Hryciuk leads a relatively trad-style renku |
Saturday May 19 May, 2012
8:00-9:00am |
Breakfast -the Glendon College cafeteria will be open
coupons for breakfast can be purchased for $6.50 a piece
from Hilliard Residence upon sign-in Friday evening |
9:00-10:00am |
Anonymous Workshop Part 1, led by Terry Ann Carter and Nick Avis |
10:00-10:15am |
Welcoming Comments by President DeVar Dahl |
10:15-11:00am |
Keynote Lecture by Terry Ann Carter 'The Development
of Haiku in Canada into Haiku Canada at 35' |
11:00-11:30am |
Makoto Nakanishi on Haiku by Japanese High School Students in Haiku Koshien |
11:30-12:00am |
Lin Geary on Canadian Children's Haiku and Haiku Canada |
12:00 -1:15pm |
Lunch in the cafeteria or by choice of venue |
1:15-2:00pm |
Mike Montreuil - The Betty Drevniok Award Anthology |
2:00- 2:15pm |
Mike Montreuil and Luminita Suse launch their new tanka book |
2:15-2:30pm |
Ann Goldring reads from her new chapbook |
2:30-3:00pm |
Feature Reading - Nick Avis |
3:00-3:15pm |
Deanna Tiefenthal - Haiku written in the US Internment Camps of Japanese Nationals during WWII |
3:15-3:30pm |
Cofee Break - coffee, teas and muffins will be available throughoutthe afteroon and replenished at this time |
4:15-5:15pm |
Francophone Poets Feature Reading -Canadian Writers of haiku and tanka in French read from their work introduced by Mike Montreuil |
5:15-6:15pm |
Ginko Walk with a view to submissions of haiku for the Kukai Prize (1 submission per poet) |
6:15-7:45pmn |
Catered Sushi – Sashimi Dinner |
8:00pm |
The 35th HC Membership Anthology Presentation and Reading led by Claudia Couture Radmore
all included will read their anthologized haiku and then, if they are not featured on this program elsewhere, be encouraged to read 5 to 7 more of their own new haiku |
11:00pm |
Late Night Renku led by Marshall Hryciuk in the unofficial room where no one can hear us |
Sunday May 20, 2012
8:00am-8:45 |
Breakfast in the cafeteria /coffee and sweets available in the Manor Room |
9:00-10:00am |
Haiku Canada Business Meeting |
10-10:15am |
Thank-you to outgoing President DeVar Dahl led by our new President Terry Ann Carter |
10:14-11:30am |
Anonymous Haiku Workshop, Part 2 -led by Terry and Nick |
11:30-12:15am |
Feature Reading by Penny Harter |
12:15-1:30pm |
Lunch – cafeteria open |
1:30-2:00pm |
LeRoy Gorman launching fast enough to leave this world - his new book of tanka |
2:00-2:15pm |
Terry Ann Carter and Mike Montreuil launching Hallelujah |
2:15-3:00pm |
King's Road Press Authors' book launch - New haiku chapbooks by Terry Ann Carter, Philomene Kocher and Charles Trumbull - introduced by Marco Fraticelli |
3:00-3:30pm |
Carolyn Danby presents, "A Basho Sampler" |
3:30pm |
Time to wrap up the book tables and award the silent auction winners their treasures and collect and distribute all due monies |
4:30pm |
Leaving en masse for downtown Toronto and Bay St. Docks for a Ferry to Toronto Island for dinner and a sunset, looking back over theToronto shoreline and skyscape and a chance for someone else to lead or continue a renku already in progress |
8:30pm |
Returning to Manor House where we will have access to the main Hall and the adjoining room to the east for whatever we want to do (Security will know we're there, but we will have keys and are no classes or residences nearby that we could disturb.) |
Monday May 21st – Queen Victoria Day
8:00-9:00am |
Breakfast in the cafeteria - no coffee service (can bring your own over(not far)) |
9:00-9:45am |
Melanie Noll Presentation of the Betty Drevniok Award for 2012 |
9:45-10:00am |
Mike Montreuil - Presentation of the Inaugural Prix Jocelyne Villeneuve |
10:00-10:45am |
Kukai Presentation from our Ginko walk |
10:45-11:00am |
Melanie and Marshall Reading of the completed renku |
11:00am |
Final remarks and Wrap-up / Announcement of 2013's HC Weekend Venue |