Haiku Canada 2009 Vancouver Conference Agenda
University of British Columbia, Place Vanier Residence, Shrum Room
Organized by Alice Frampton
Theme: Connections
Friday May 15th
3-4pm Dorm-room check-in
4-5pm Registration at Shrum Room; set up books; mingle
5-5:15pm Meet and greet
5:15-5:30pm Welcome by Haiku Canada president DeVar Dahl
5:30-6pm Round robin haiku reading
6-6:15pm Break
6:15-7:30pm Catered light supper
7:30-8:30pm Janick Belleau on women connecting through haiku:
“Themes favoured by haiku women poets”
8:30-9:30pm Michael Dylan Welch on déjà-ku (poems that bring to mind other haiku)
9:30pm Renku with Marshall Hryciuk and Karen Sohne (dorm lounge)
Saturday May 16th
7-8:30am Early morning renku (dorm lounge)
7-8:30am Book tables; silent auction (Shrum Room)
8:30-9:30am Catered breakfast (continental breakfast, plus quiche)
9:30-10:30am Haiku Canada annual general meeting
10:30-11:30am Joanne Morcom leads a session of laughter yoga
11:30-12:30pm Catered lunch (sandwich and fruit platters)
12:30-12:50pm Break; meet back in Shrum Room
1-2:30pm Ginko to Nitobe Garden
3-4:15pm Kukai in courtyard with Alice Frampton, books, 50/50 draw, mingle
4:15-4:30pm Carole MacRury reading from book In the Company of Crows
4:30-4:45pm Special presentation by Alice Frampton, Carole MacRury, Vicki McCullough and
Michael Dylan Welch to honour Winona Baker and her haiku achievements
4:45-5pm Break
5-6pm Winona Baker on Japanese gendai
6-6:30pm Break
6:30-8:30pm Catered dinner
8:30-9:30pm Marco Fraticelli and Michael Dylan Welch: anonymous workshopping
9:45pm Renku with Karen Sohne and Marshall Hryciuk (dorm lounge)
Sunday May 17th
7:30-9am Early morning renku (dorm lounge)
7:30-9am Book tables, silent auction (Shrum Room)
9-10am Catered continental breakfast
10-10:45am Dorm room check-out
10:45-11:15am Results of 50/50 raffle, silent auction
10:45-11:15am Pack up books; last call for buying
11:15-11:45am Renku readings
11:45am-12:15pm Form car pools to off-site restaurant for lunch (White Spot on West Broadway)
2-5pm Ginko in VanDusen Botanical Gardens
5pm Dinner (Sun Sui Wah on Main Street)