Haiku Canada 2006 Vancouver Conference Agenda
University of British Columbia, Place Vanier Residence, Shrum Room
Organized by Alice Frampton
Theme: Connections
Friday May 19th
3-5pm Registration
5-6pm Break for dinner (set up book room)
6-6:15pm Formal greeting and housekeeping
6:15-6:30pm Announcements by Haiku Canada president DeVar Dahl
6:30-9:30pm Catered appetizers and beverages, readings, and workshopping
9:30-10pm Break before renku party
10pm Renku with Marshall Hryciuk and Karen Sohne (accommodations lounge)
Saturday May 20th
7-8:30am Early morning renku with Alice Frampton (accommodations lounge)
8:30-10:30am Catered breakfast
9-9:45am Keynote address: “Promoting Haiku Around the World” featuring Carole MacRury, Vicki McCullough
and Michael Dylan Welch with highlights of the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival
9:45-10:45am Haiku Canada annual general meeting
11am-12:30pm Ginko to Nitobe Gardens (spontaneous tan-renga facilitated by Michael Dylan Welch)
12:30-2pm Free time for lunch
2-2:45pm Kukai in courtyard; mingle
2:45-3:15pm Howard Lee Kilby on Zen in Paris
3:15-4:30pm Dance by Mariko Kitakubo; skit by Heather Isaacson and Joyce Taylor
4:30-5pm Browse book room
5-6:30pm Break for dinner (Enigma, off-campus on West 10th Avenue)
6:30-7:10pm Marshall Hryciuk on translations
7:10-7:30pm Carmen Sterba reading haiku and haibun
7:30-8pm Kozue Uzawa on syllables in English tanka
8-8:30pm Allan Brown on the story in haiku
8:30-9p Amelia Fielden reading
9-10pm Round robin readings and workshopping
10pm Renku with Karen Sohne and Marshall Hryciuk (accommodations lounge)
Sunday May 21st
7-8:30am Early morning renku with Alice Frampton (accommodations lounge)
8:30-9:45am Breakfast on campus, browse book room, auction tables, mingle
9:45-10:15am Betty Drevniok Award results, 50/50 draw, silent auction, raffle, blind auction results
10:15-11:15am Mariko Kitakubo and Amelia Fielden on tanka translations; bilingual tanka performance
11:15am-12:15pm Michael Dylan Welch on the moment in haiku
12:15-12:30pm DeVar Dahl: closing and goodbyes to those who are leaving
12:30-2pm Break for lunch
2:15-2:30pm Meet in parking lot to drive or bus to VanDusen Botanical Gardens
3-5pm Ginko in VanDusen Gardens
5-7pm Dinner at VanDusen Gardens restaurant
7pm Scenic drive around Vancouver